Expected Results

Benefits for participating businesses

The successful outcome of the project is expected to have the following results:

Increasing biogas efficiency, which can reach 30%. This is expected to bring great financial benefits for biogas production companies. Also, if the innovative products are efficient in all the supplies in the Greek territory, the potential increase in the production of biomethane at a national level will be possible. The last one will significantly contribute to the country’s highest level of energy self-sufficiency. At this point, it is worth noting that the targets set for 2020 including biogas and biomass for 350 MW, come in a mismatch with reality, as in 2018, and according to calculations it was 65.5 MW, that is, only 18.7 % of the goal was achieved.

Improvement of biogas units’ operation. The optimal operating conditions will aim at the stabilization of the anaerobic digestion process. This will improve several operational parameters and the overall operation of the units, reducing the risks of using seasonal supplies.

Improved digested residue. It is expected that improved digestive residue will lead to the efficient operation of the units and increase biogas production. This will help to eliminate the risk of nitro-ripple, among other things. Furthermore, the overall coverage surface will be reduced, necessitating the use of a residue as a ground enhancer. Furthermore, the sale of the digested residue is expected to generate a financial benefit.

Marketable additives. If the additives under investigation in this project are successfully implemented, the standardization and commercial exploitation of Greek improvements will be possible for the first time. These products are currently imported from other countries. This will reduce the commercial deficit on this issue, and there may be future exports, significantly improving the viability of the mentioned businesses.

Profits for waste producers. The project’s successful conclusion removes the financial barrier of waste management by producers (food processing units, farming units, etc.) and converts it to benefit, as much of the waste is of strong market interest from the biogas units for which they are required.

Improvement of the investment climate. The biogas industry is expanding, and its impact is being noticed in Greece. The project’s positive outcomes will help to promote the corresponding investments. This is expected to aid the country in achieving its energy goals, as there is a significant amount of untapped potential at this point. Increased investment also affects more jobs in the supply chain.

Environmental protection. Increasing turnover for biogas units automatically means an increase in the utilization of agrarian waste that is necessary as a supply. The former way of processing them (or not processing them) has created major environmental problems that will be eliminated. Environmental benefits will also result from the reduction of tanker transportation, as biogas units will require smaller cumulative quantities of initial power (reduced carbon footprint).

Circular economy model. This project is an excellent example of the circular economy in action, which can be used by educational systems to reap all the socioeconomic benefits.

Jobs opportunities. To achieve the goals, highly specialized personnel will be required.

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